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The quality of the hob is of vital importance in ensuring the cost effectiveness of cold hobbing, because it is exposed to the greatest specific load during the cold hobbing process. The manufacture of the hob requires a great deal of understanding and experience in selecting the materials, geometry, hardness and coating. Our company is therefore fully equipped to manufacture your hob according to your drawings and specifications.

Exceptional dimensional accuracy for perfect dies

The outer mould of a hob can be machined with greater ease and precision at a lower cost than the corresponding inner mould on the workpiece. Perfect dies with high dimensional accuracy, geometric precision, as well as a longer service life can only be produced with a perfect hob

If the hob is properly manufactured and maintained, numerous workpieces can be hobbed.


During manufacture, the hob undergoes various steps, such as:

  • Drawings of the hob
  • Turning an milling
  • Diamond turning
  • Marking
  • Hardening
  • Diamond turning
  • High gloss polishing
  • Coating

What we can do for you:

We will coordinate, monitor and record all the internal as well as external work.


We have been producing dies with different mouldings for over 30 years, such as the PCO 1810 and PCO 1881 for the beverage industry, as well as dies for general caps. Thanks to the cold hobbing process, we can manufacture these dies for you in next to no time with a high surface quality and without any reworking. All our dies boast precise dimensions, exact geometry and an extended service life.